Wednesday 15 February 2012


That's a bit how I felt today after my agility lesson.
I took all the 'Dream Team' (Shady,Mookie and Floozie) along to Dave's this morning.We haven't done much agility in the last few weeks,what with Floozie and Mookie both being lame before or around Christmas,then the 3 week Christmas break from agility,THEN the snow,we haven't done it consistently twice a week since Novemeber.

I was happy with what each of the dogs did today,very happy in fact,I just felt a bit lost.
I think because it was the first time I have handled Shady with Dave for well over a year,so it just felt different.
We did some pretty simple sequences,which he did nicely,better it seemed when handled from behind.
When we did one stetched out section,on the first attempt he went round the jump in the middle,but having gained no reward,on the second attempt he jumped it happily.
He's really thinking about his pacing and jumping,which is a huge improvment for him :)He's only being jumped on small jumps right now,there i no rush to get him back to full height.
We also did a lowered A frame,which he did a few times,with good 2o2o each time,and he was happy to tug on there too,which is good as it means I'll be able to take him to some UKA shows which allow training in the ring,and play tuggie when he gets it right.
Lastly we did a few sets of weaves.The first few sets I did a few weeks ago,he was popping out at the 10th pole,but today,perfect each time.
Weaves are amongst Shady's favourite if not is very favourite piece of equipment :)

Floozie is also jumping small,she's a medium dog,but we've not really got her jumping her 'real' height yet.She's been having the odd one thrown in to a sequence,but as it was only her second time back after injury,we kept them down.
We did some harder sequences with her today,which resulted in a few Staffie tantrums lmao.
When she gets frustrated,and/or doesn't understand what we want her to do she has a little screaming 'tantrum'!Thankfully she's been trained using shaping so much,she works right through her frustration as she is so desperate for her reward.

I really DO need to teach her to weave,oh and do a seesaw!I am just entirely too chilled out about competing these days!
I did say to Dave today 'oh God I can see what she is going to be like at a show now',as she was having a tantrum,screaming and not listening first time,and scarily he agreed!
We did some tugging on contacts with her too,which she was happy to do.In fact Floozie is happy to tug any time,any place,anywhere :)
Next Tues I have a lesson with Dave and we're going to concentrate on weave entries,using the 2 x 2 method,and seesaw.

Mookie,we did a few sequences which I had to do a snake (serpentine)in one direction then on the way back,have her run along side and parrallel to the middle jump in the snake,keeping her in the RZ (reinforcment zone) before sending her over the last jump.She did it beautifully :)

So yeah I was happy with all 3 dogs today,but then I always am.I feel I just felt a bit lost because I'm training all 3,there all at different stages,although Shady is grade 4,and Mooks is grade 3.Shady hasn't trained for 18 months so is rusty,and Mookie is more than capable of winning out of grade 3,and 4 probably,its just me that screws her up!
Then there's Flooz,who was doing so well,but I feel a bit out of touch with our training as she's been out for the best part of 2 months.
I just need to get a few weeks of twice a week training under my belt so I feel 'normal' again.
Makes me wonder how much the dogs feel weird about it after being out for a while?


  1. I'm going to be your official groom for all shows this season and video all your runs and provide you with feedback - a great reason for me to be even more anal! Yay!

  2. Lol,no you mustn't be more anal!!!
    You can def be my groom though ;)
