When I got there I was told I was in the Grades 4 - 7 session which I was a bit worried if I would be good enough.
I'm happy to say I didn't feel out of place,and although not getting everything right first time,I managed all the sequences we were set.
One thing training with Dan and Dave has shown me is,Oh God do I take things literally!
For example if they say to me 'don't move at X spot so much',my brain takes that in,and I not only don't move at X spot,but I don't move again if its near the end of a sequence.
I just do as I'm told,but don't always have the common sense to move after the bit they rold me to stay still at lol.
I must be quite a difficult student lol,but we always have a laugh about it.
I'm also not the best at offering solutions,I guess in case I get it wrong.
I am EXACTLY like a dog who can not offer behaviours!Me and Shady are kindred spirits lol.
I have obviously not been rewarded or motivated to try stuff for myself!
Mooks was brilliant as always,I think she is the definittion of honesty in a dog,what a great girl she is,I really love her.
Poor old Flooz didn't get to play,as she had had that mystery lameness. :( But on the Sunday morning me Dave and Abbie took our 6 dogs to a local park,and Floozie had her biggest run,and was absolutly fine.I took her to agility twice this past week,and she has been 100%,so its back to full exercise for her :)
I got a quick group shot with Floozie,Mookie,Oggie Abbie's amazing Collie,and her 2 Spaniels Wiggy and Daisy,along with Abbie's mum's dogs,the Lab x and Working Cockers.I love the Working Cockers,they are so BUSY!!
Poor Oggie had recently been operated on to remove a piece of toy which he had swallowed,naughty Oggie!
I see someone thinking of breaking for it!!
Incoming Spaniel!!! hahahahaha!
At lunch we got to play with my trainers 4 month old puppy :)
The girls in the back of the van,practicing holding their wai when they desperatly want to go join in with the other dogs,ahem Floozie!
Mooks is out of shape,she's had a bout 7 or 8 weeks off from agility,first with the pulled hamstring,then club was closed for a month over the holidays.She's been getting her regular walks,but we do lots of tugging and tricks whilst we are at agility class which I don't tend to do outside of class,she's missed out on that too.Here she is working out.
The ever so handsome Jonah.
Smiling for the camera on the way past:)
I didn't know this dog,but it turns out its a half sister to my friends Collie Kai.
Me and Mooks listening,me feeling tired from the night out and needing to sit on the aframe lol.
Mookie always looks so thoughtful in her jumping pics.
Levitating JR x WHFT!His human dad was such a nice man,so gentle with him,and no ego whatsoever.
The offending Collie....(revealed below)
I asked Abbie to run Mookie a bit so she could get to run someone,and so I could get some photos of the Mookstar!
She started off having a game of tug,but was joined by an annoying Collie who thought it was fun to circle bark and growl at Mookie.I knew the dog wouldn't go in and have a go,so we used it as a great distraction.
One thing I can confidently say about all my dogs,they are not distracted by other dogs.Its a great advantage that as puppies I kennel them at work,they learn that all sorts of commotion dogs barking,screaming,growling etc (GSD's in there mostly) is just background noise and rarely even bother to check what all the noise is about.
Barking and growling at Mooks now.
lol @ Abbie trying to coax the annoying doggoe into her waiting hand.
Mookie is amongst the worlds most efficient jumpers,never wastes an inch of effort,but also practically never knocks a bar,unlike someone else I know,ahem Shady!
Go Mookie,almost wrapping the wing lol.It was a massive uphill struggle to teach Mookie to turn tight,she's such a powerful little jumper and before she was taught to collect she would literally land around 7 feet past a jump.
On this pic the jump before the one pictured was right next to this jump in exactly the same position,so on a straight line to this and facing the same way,she's having to turn a 360 round this jump.Its obviously not as tight as can be,but is a UGE improvment for her.
If only I'd known about and done foundation work with her!
Love Mookie's little face over the jumps, so much concentration!