They are 'Mindy proofing' the back of mum's garden.6 foot chain link,and a new big iron gate too,HA Mindy get out of that!
She got right into the thick of things.
Then i took Shady and Floozie over to Blow's Downs for a run with Zeesa,Charlotte and Taz.I was a great day for photos.
A girl and her dog.
I asked Zeesa to throw the ball towards me so I could photograph the dogs running towards me,I 'MAY'have said aim at me,what i DIDN'T mean throw it really hard,then watch as it bounces and hits me in the boob lmao!(yep that's what hapened)
Floozie loves her new/old kong.She found it on a walk recently.
'Don't you move kong.I've got my eye on you!!'
We met some nice Whippets whose owner was glad we warned him that the herd of cows was just around the corner.
The dogs trying to work out where Charlotte will appear next?!
Flooz is off exploring.
See her at the top?
See that TINY dot on top of the hill,right in the centre of the shot?That's Charlotte,she's such a nutter,she just goes missing and suddenly appears on top of the hill.
I love the 'steps' which are formedby the elements and the footsteps of all the walkers.
Shady is just so handsome!
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