Monday, 2 January 2012

Photos,and lots of them!!!

Here's the photos which should have been attached to the last post.
It has taken me ages to upload,edit and post them all but it was worth it.
We had a great day,and I'm really pleased I have photos to remember it by.
We went to 'Rowney Warren'.Which is just a wondeful place,and I intend to go back and soon.
We were there about 2 hours,and it was just lovely.

We opted to take just Shady,Bug and Floozie,all the off leaders to make life easy.
Mookie of course goes off lead,but in a forest like that I would have had to keep on at her not to chase,or more so,go off looking for things to chase.Mindy is not allowed off lead,per her foster agreement.
The choice of dogs made for a lovely relaxing walk,they met other dogs,cyclists and walkers,no problems (as expected )with any of them :)

Shady running around,he is SUCH a happy boy.

Look at Flooz,she cracks me up. 'RUN!!!!!'

My handsome boy :)

Smile :)

Poor B,always has a Staffie attached to his stick these days,she's such a little tyrant.

They had a nice time wallowing in the mud..

We've had so little rain this year,all the streams seem to have dried away to nothing.Still there was enough for a drink,and to wash the worst of the mud off.

Random photo of a path.

Floozie all grown up.She's now 18 months old.

Coming through!

The boys were keeping an eye on a Corgi and JR on the next pathway.I tried to get a photo of them,but was too slow.

Lots of fighting for the stick went on today,and there was a lot of foul language from Floozie!They,well mostly Bug had been carrying this stick for an hour at this point,poor stick was getting smaller and smaller after every fight over it.

Most people would pass these ugly old concrete pipes and think they were ugly,I think I should make the dogs pose on them for photos!

This is what they were sitting on.

I think Shady is missing agility!!

I love to watch the dogs run and scurry around up and down banks,and running the little paths in the forests,that's when I think they're,'just being a dog'.

Not B's best look!!

Camo Floozie..

Group shot,my hair looks a bit mental,more like a horse's mane,than normal people hair!

This swing has been here for AGES,the dogs played on it last year,so we made sure to go back and look for it today.
Its amazing how much fun can be had with a Bull breed or two,a stick and some rope :)

Flying Floozie!

'Come here,let me swing on you!!!'

'Wanna dance B?'

'I'm a coming to get you Mr Swing!'

Yup this photo was nearly the end of me,I was nearly knocked down the bank!

You've gotta love the big twit!

This is the path which is the boundary of one side of the forest.You can cross the little stream next to it and walk a long way through farm land,along a drive.

We don't call him 'Boing' for nothing!

I have nothing to say about this photo,except B is weird!

Poor Shady,he really is not an efficient jumper!

I just love this place,its so pretty.

One more shot before we got back to the car park.Shady and Flooz were looking at another walker who had caught up with us whilst we were taking photos.We had a little chat with her,how nice it was that there we only came across lovely people today. :)


  1. Great shots! I love your bullies. So funny.

  2. Thanks :)
    Never say Never,I don't know if you've looked through my older posts and seen Mindy?Shes a Lurcher,I reckon you'd love her.:)
