Sunday, 29 January 2012

Mud glorious mud???

I HATE it.My garden is like a football pitch,and that's just from the dogs going out to the loo,and the occasional play which I quickly stop as they would TRASH my garden,and get filthy.
I have NO problem whatsoever them getting filthy on walks,that's to be expected and on the whole unavoidable.
But the garden,oh the garden,I cannot stand it!
Last year we fenced some of it off with temporary site fencing,the flimsy plastic type held up by metal rods...FAIL!!

The dogs delighted in finding new and creative ways through my barricade,and once in went mental!!They loved the taboo of breaking in and playing in there,trashing my re-seeding efforts with glee!The little fuckers!
This year I am planning a second attempt,with temporary agricultural fencing.The type which is basically wooden stakes strung together with wire.If that fails I can at least spear them with the stakes to get the frustration out of my system ha!
Failing that,and I do have a feeling they are going to beat me no matter what I try,I'm going to talk Pete into patio-ing most if not all of the lawn.If the lawn cannot behave itself and stay a lawn,not a mud patch,then maybe its just gonna have to go!
I have exactly the same problem with mum's garden.I work (groom) from a room built on the back of my mum's house.I take the dogs with me,and leave the door open,so the dogs can come in and sit with me,or play,mooch about in the garden.Well its trashed,worse than my garden as I kinda sacrificed it in an attempt to save my own.
After we spent all the time and money on 'Mindy proofing' mum's garden so she could be loose out their whilst I work (after she escaped into next doors garden a couple of times)it became winter and mud was created immediatly.Damn those dogs playing and having fun!
I just get fed up at this time of the year,me and the dogs are all stir crazy.We're used to spending hours outside,back door always open so they can come and go as they please,and Mindy and Bug in particular spend hours outside playing,and when we're inside everyone is tired and relaxed.Right now we're inside and we're bored,all of us.
Of course we still go for runs each day,I cycle with the dogs,we go to agility,but its just not the same as being able to sit outside for hours.
I need to move to Australia!