Friday, 2 December 2011

Kennel dogs.....

I have been at the kennels a lot this past week,and to save me keep having to go back and forth to change the dogs around,I've been taking the whole gang with me,its erm interesting to say the least!
I have adopted (way overdue) a zero tolerance to chasing and winding one another up,as Shady and bug have been a little fractious when hyped up lately.
These pics are a week old,and so are from before Mookie got hurt.
since then I'm back to taking B and Mindy to the kennel while I'm there,leaving them there at lnch and coming home to walk the others at lunch time,then running B and Mindy after work.
B and Mindy come home knackered from the kennels which is always nice :)

So much fuss over a l'il blue spikey hedgehog lol.Everyone wanted it!

The whole gang :)

Can you tell the boys want the toy lol.

Pretty Mindy :)

'HHhhhmmm says Flooz,I want that.'

Check out Floozie's face...'I AM going to have that toy!!'

LMAO......great look Floozie!

Best girl ever!!!!

I love this photo,even though Shady looks scruffy!


  1. My goodness - your dogs are just gorgeous. I love me a fluffy Terv. :)

  2. Thanks :O) Shady is only just getting his full coat after being neutered earlier this year,he dropped it all and earnt the nick name 'naked mole rat' lol
